25 August, 2009

Mirage, TOC Leadership Course and Tibet

You might think this is a clever non-related lead in to an average blog. I can assure you there is a connection between Mirage a women, The One Command Leadership Course and the actual country of Tibet. The event for me was a demonstration of the infinite beauty and grace that The One Command bestows upon The Commander and the ripple effect it has on the world.

I was talking to my mother on my cell phone; she got a new puppy and wanted help with her name. Mom liked Pinky, her dog wanted Tinky, short for Tinkerbelle. I got another call from a private number and quickly hung up with mom. I had a call the previous day with no message and I felt this was an important call. As I answered a woman identified herself as Mirage. I had a hard time understanding her and asked her to repeat information several times threw out the course of our conversation. She said ”Your phone number came to me in two separate mediations. Are you an energy healer?” I said yes, I explained that I was at Leadership Training with my teacher Asara on Whidbey Island. She then started asking questions to confirm what she saw in her meditations. “Are you outside or inside?” I explained, it had been raining and we were currently inside, while the day before we had been outside in a large white tent. I went on to add that there were 16 students.

(I kept waiting for the part of the conversation where she asked if I would deposit a bank check for $40,000 and send her back $35,000.) Did not come up!

Mirage went on to explain that she has been to California to teach, and she was in Tibet meditating with a group and it was 6pm in the evening. She said she saw my heart expend into a bright white light and wanted to know what I had done earlier that day to cause this expansion. (The class did several exercises that day; I experienced a tremendous shift with The Resentment exercise from The Commanding Wealth Seminar.) I told Mirage that I had cleared up some old family resentments. She said, “They (her group) would pray for us.” I said “ We will do the same for your group.” We said good-bye and that was the end of our conversation.

Wow, Yea Haw and several other things came out of my mouth! I rushed from the room to tell every one of my call. It is true, one person, one group, One Command can change the World! I was just the witness of the affect The One Command is having on the World. Yes, we can change the world by changing ourselves first! Just Brilliant! Thank You Asara and Kathryn!

Just to let you know my command was: IDNKHI my mother REALLY Sees me,

Gets me and Loves me IOKNIAAIAF. I wanted be seen for who I am, just as I am.

Boy and howdy I think that one was a winner! They Got Me in Tibet!

Penelope Jensen teaches the One Day One Command with Bonnie Strehlow, is a certified One Command Practitioner and a Commanding Wealth Circle Facilitator. Yes, Penelope works with People!

The next One Day One Command Seminar is September 20th at The Comfort Inn , Federal Way, WA. $225 pre-register and $395 at the door. To register call 253-47-8332 or email Penny@PenelopeCommunicates.com